Monday, 10 November 2008

Going to Church

My friend 'R' goes to church, she has been gently trying to coax me into trying it for some time. We have had a very busy schedule for the last few weeks with wedding plans and dance festivals, but after next Sunday 16 Nov we have Sundays free again!!

So we are off to Church. The service varies from week to week, and luckily for us this will take us to the very informal meeting in the Church hall where we get to meet everyone and discuss all aspects greatly looking forward to it.

On Saturday, Marks brother got married............ I was greatly looking forward to the wedding, but St James Church where they were married was very special to me.

The last time I went to St James was for a funeral, it was my very good friend Mr Nicholas Dombeys funeral..........and It was a very difficult time for me. I didn't get to see Nick before he died as I had concerns, one because Grace had grown MRSA at the time and I was worried that I may take it with me and Two because I thought what I might also carry back could be harmful to Grace.

Unfortunately whilst I was battling in my head with the decision, Nick passed away. I've never felt so bad in my life and was very distraught at the funeral. Something very strange happened in the church and I am almost sure that I felt Nicks presence.

He was probably saying " I'm a planning engineer you know" I still miss Nick very much, he is a great friend, and great friends are what everyone needs. I do still feel I have let him down,so it was a poigniant day for me going into the church for the first time since that day, and do you know what? I can't begin to tell you how uplifted I felt, I thought that it would be awful,but it was completely the opposite, I think I might have been forgiven??

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lombard, it was a beautiful wedding...........


suzie said...

Gilly it's lovely to read this blog, I don't have anything constructive to say because I have a lump in my throat at the moment.

I can't begin to tell you how uplifting it is for me to read that you have experienced that wonderful calm.

I'm still a 'work in progress' and it will be nice to share the journey with you.

God Bless.

Gilly said...

Hey Suzie thank you for your comments. I can't explain the 'calm' maybe its because it was exactly what I was looking for?

I'll let you know how my first experience of Church goes

God Bless to you too xx